Tuesday, March 18, 2008

In-line for Springtime

So, I decided last week that I needed to escape from my desk at lunchtime because I was going a bit crazy from staring into my monitor forever. So, I took my lunch break at sports authority knowing that I could find some new toys while I was there. In a matter of minutes I had found a pair of roller blades that I loved and I was skating around sports authority. So... the blades had to come home with me... I called Austin and begged him to leave work early to go rollerblading, but unfortunatly I had to go back to work and stick it out for the rest of the day while my new rollerblades waited patiently in the trunk...I haven't rollerbladed since about 6th grade, but in the last week I have become a rollerblading nut... Lola trys to keep up by running down the sidewalk.. but the poor pup gets tired out after only a few laps around the block... Now, if I could only figure out how to stop; because my skates don't have any brakes.........


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