Austin and I have arrived safely home after our short vacation to Jamaica. The only thing I would have done differently if I were to replan the trip would have been to stay longer! We really didn't get to do everything we wanted to while we were in that gorgeous island. I can't say enough good things about our trip, and I can't wait to head back. Austin and I climbed Dunn's River Falls, and we also went up to Mystic Mountain where we rode the skylift, bobsled, and traversed down the ziplines. I only have a handful of photos from my camera, because it was too risky taking it out near the water. I did buy an underwater camera that I will be getting developed this week, so hopefully I got some good snorkeling pics with that. It could not be one of my vacations without something going wrong, so of course my website had to go down while I was away. I am actively working on getting it back up, and I'm crossing my fingers that I should be back up and running by this evening. In the meantime, here are some pics I took on our last day in Jamaica....
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